X98-019.CHP:Corel VENTURA
The impact of increasing the number of crosses per parent (k) on the efficiency of roguing seed orchards (backwards selection, i.e., reselection of parents) was examined by using Monte Carlo simulation. Efficiencies were examined in light of advanced-generation Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) tree improvement programs where information is available from previous generations, seed orchards have reduced genetic variation as a result of selection, and dominance variation is small compared with additive variation. Both the efficiency of reselection and its associated variance leveled off after two or three crosses per parent. The information from previous generations did not significantly increase reselection efficiency. Résumé : À laide de simulations Monte Carlo, lauteur a ØtudiØ les effets dune augmentation du nombre de croisements par parent (k) sur lefficacitØ des Øclaircies dans les vergers à graines (sØlection à rebours, c.-à-d. sØlection rØpØtØe des parents). LØtude sest inscrite dans le cadre des programmes avancØs damØlioration gØnØtique chez le sapin de Douglas (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) et oø linformation est disponible à partir des cycles antØrieurs damØlioration. Ces programmes sont caractØrisØs par des vergers à graines dØmontrant une diversitØ gØnØtique rØduite suite à la sØlection, et Øgalement une prØpondØrance de la variation gØnØtique additive comparativement à la variation de dominance. Les rØsultats dØmontrent que lefficacitØ de la sØlection à rebours ainsi que sa variance se stabilisent aprŁs deux ou trois croisements par parent. Linformation dØcoulant des cycles prØcØdents damØlioration na pas augmentØ de façon significative lefficacitØ de la sØlection à rebours. [Traduit par la RØdaction]
منابع مشابه
9-4-4.CHP:Corel VENTURA
The ‘Savage paradigm’ of rational decision-making under uncertainty has become the dominant model of human behavior in mainstream economics and game theory. However, under the rubric of ‘bounded-rationality’, this model has been criticized as inadequate from both normative and descriptive viewpoints. This paper sketches the historical roots and some current developments of this movement, distin...
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BE N T DA L U M a , KE L D LA U R S E N b and BA R T VE R S P A G E N c , d (aThe IKE Group, Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University, Fibigerstraede 4, 9220 Aalborg O, bDRUID, Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy, Copenhagen Business School, Nansensgade 19.6, 1366 Copenhagen, Denmark, cEindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management, PO Box 513, 5600 M...
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